Everyday Life in Bible Times
We don’t have a time machine that will take us back into the culture of the Biblical world. But we sure could use one.
That is because the Bible often speaks about family relationships, food, agriculture, and warfare in ways that sound strange to our modern ears. This book helps by answering questions like these.
What did an armor-bearer do?
How did farmers plow a field?
What did it mean when you removed your sandal?
What did a sling look like and how did it work?
What was the difference between a wife and a concubine?
How was someone executed by stoning? What was a lot and how was it cast?
We cannot board a time machine, but this book takes us back in time so that we may better understand the cultural realities of Bible times. It explores the nuances and connotations of Bible culture and illustrates the ways in which the biblical authors and poets put these manners and customs to work in what they wrote.
This books is available in book and ebook formats, including Kindle.
Available in the Olive Tree Bible app and Logos library
Baker Illustrated Guide to Everyday Life in Bible Times
If you would like to see the table of contents, read the preface, and sample a few of the entries together with their stunning photographs, please click here to continue Reading.