Land Without Borders

John A. Beck Land without BordersSome of the Bible’s most familiar and powerful stories took place in the wilderness.  The Israelites spent forty years in the wilderness.  Jesus was tempted in the wilderness.  Even the beloved “Shepherd Psalm,” Psalm 23, is shaped by wilderness.  This ecosystem is mentioned by a variety of names more than three hundred times in the Bible.  It is these portions of God’s Word that will take on new life as you come to understand the realities of biblical wilderness.

This beautiful and austere landscape is the subject of this book.  Here you will learn more about the natural world of biblical wilderness and you will see how its realities are woven into God’s Word.

But wilderness is not just an ecosystem, it is also a season of life.  That is what makes this study so powerful.  The Lord included wilderness stories in our Bible because they speak so powerfully to us as we navigate through our own seasons of wilderness.

This easily-read book can be used for personal or group Bible study.  An accompanying DVD (purchased separately) presents six of these lessons on site in Israel.  Click here to for more on the DVD.

Available as an audiobook

on Amazon (Audible) and within the Itunes Store.

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